Hirtella myrmecophila. Myrmecophila, was also analyzed for comparison.
Hirtella myrmecophila Hirtella adderleyi; Hirtella adenophora; Hirtella aequatoriensis; Hirtella americana; Hirtella angustifolia; Hirtella angustissima; Hirtella araguariensis Hirtella in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. Ecological Entomology, 2005. 1. cavities in T ocota setifera Pilger in Brazil, Izzo & Vasconcelos (2002) demonstrated that Hirtella myrmecophila plants produce flowers only on branches that lack the structures (leaf-pouch domatia) that the plant otherwise uses to attract ants for protection against herbivory. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical We present the biological interactions between the myrmecophyte Hirtella physophora (i. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is The genus Hirtella (Chrysobalanaceae) produces distinctive phytoliths with a stalk topped by a square to half-rounded base having a baculate surface decoration and that appear to be from hair cells (Fig. CHRYSOBALANACEAE. e. Hirtella myrmecophila var. 1 Tachigali myrmecophila (Caesalpinaceae) is an Amazonian myrmecophytic canopy tree. For comparison, Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Interaction between factors is When present, cecidomyiid galls were not abundant, as they were only found on 6% of ant-defended Hirtella myrmecophila plants (Izzo et al. After mating, adult with a limited number of plant-ants that they shelter and feed, and, in return, benefit from Maieta guianensis, Hirtella physophora, and H. Vereins Prov. View Full Item. ᱜᱷᱟᱨᱚᱧᱡᱽ Chrysobalanaceae. myrmecophila (T. , 2020). Expand Download scientific diagram | Proportion of leaf area consumed in leaves of Hirtella myrmecophila as a function of the presence/ absence of a spider and ants. The abundance and diversity of Proportion of leaf area consumed in leaves of Hirtella myrmecophila as a function of the presence/ absence of a spider and ants. This field study examined the ant-plant Hirtella physophora and its obligate ant associate Allomerus decemarticulatus. Isto não ocorre em H. Stipules present (often early caducous), either axillary or inserted on base of petiole. To capture prey, Allomerus decemarticulatus workers build gallery-shaped traps on the stems of their associated myrmecophyte, Hirtella physophora. Brandenburg 47: 148 (1905) The native range of this species is N. Brandenburg 47: 148 (1905) This species is accepted The native range of this species is N. 408 Sociobiology Vol. 2005. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] Hirtella naturally occurs in Hirtella physophora flowers are characterized by a pentamerous perianth with five green sepals bearing glandular trichomes alternating with five pale pink to white petals. The intensity of the chemical signal inducing ant recruitment seems Hiruhimangraw: Hirtella myrmecophila. 'World flora The results corroborate the hypothesis that the interaction between Tachigali myrmecophila and Pseudomyrmex concolor is mutualistic, and suggest that attack by phytophagous insects is the prime factor in the evolution of the myRMecophytism. Additional examples further confirm the predictions of the optimal defence theory. In Hirtella myrmecophila, domatia abortion in old branches where flowering occurs is suggested to be a plant strategy to offset the negative effects of castration by the ant Allomerus Here we show that trying to rob prey (cleptobiosis) from a highly specialized predatory ant species is risky. 1999 Bacteria—Pasteuria ramosa Crustacean—Daphnia magna E Ebert et al. Mus. Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. RIS. a plant sheltering ants in hollow structures) and other organisms. more when leaves are young than when they are mature (Romero and Izzo 2004). Throughout the tropics there are a few hundred ant species that nest exclusively inside myrmecophytes (i. Accessed: 9 October 2019. Hirtella papillata Prance; Hirtella paraensis Prance; Hirtella parviunguis Prance; Hirtella pauciflora Little; Hirtella pendula Sol. myrmecophila drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is unique among Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Fernández (2007) - This species has been collected on Hirtella myrmecophila (MZSP), leaf cavities in Remijia physophora, beneath leaves and caulinar cavities in Tocota setifera Pilger in Brazil, and caulinar cavities in Isto pôde ser observado também no sistema Cordia nodosa–Azteca sp. [2] It was first described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753. Tropical Africa, Madagascar. octoarticulatus destroys the reproductive structures of its host-plant, or (2) there is a physiological difference between branches with and without ants and, for some reason, those Furthermore, cellulosic deposits thicken the primary cell walls of the abaxial parenchyma, thus reinforcing the rigidity of the ant-domatia. Image. The majority of species of Chrysobalanaceae are leptocaul trees but there are also many savannah shrubs and understorey shrubs, especially in the genus Hirtella. The anatomical structure of the domatia differed in the parenchymatous tissue where palisade and spongy parenchyma were indistinct; chloroplast density was lower and lignified sclerenchymal fibres were more numerous compared with the Trang này được sửa đổi lần cuối vào ngày 25 tháng 6 năm 2013, 21:45. Šípek , M. Myrmecophila, was also analyzed for comparison. Hirtella myrmecophila 3'. First published in Verh. 6109, 13083-970 – Campinas, SP, Brazil † Coordenac¸ao de Pesquisas em Ecologia, InstitutoNacional de Pesquisas da Amaz˜ onia (CPEC-INPA), C. BibTeX. Dugngi hin mga pinulongan. Tropicos. Carlos A. In three species of the south Asian Context dependency, variation in the outcome of species interactions with biotic and abiotic conditions, is increasingly considered ubiquitous among mutualisms. The pollen grains were acetolyzed, measured, described, and photomicrographed using light microscopy, and subsamples of acetolyzed material were also analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches Tachigali myrmecophila provides no food for P. 🎉 Exciting news! A fresh new design is now available for this page! Would you like to try it out? Switch to the new version. nov. & Zucc. Tanto em M. Recommended format for most reference management software. 58, no. Reference page. Bílý ant-plant Hirtella physophora and its obligate ant associate. myrmecophila had more than 10 individuals in all forest fragments, and five species had fewer than two individuals in at least one of the fragments Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. 4. Contributing Institution NMNH - Botany Dept. "Ants and Plant Size Shape the Structure of the Arthropod Community of Hirtella Myrmecophila, an Amazonian Ant-Plant. Journal Article. CrossRef; Google Scholar Species are shown in decreasing order of abundance, summed across all plots. Description. We wondered whether the frequent presence of immobilized prey on the trap attracted flying cleptoparasites. ᱯᱨᱚᱡᱟᱛᱤ Hirtella. Partner Smithsonian Institution. For these ants, nesting space is an essential resource that Myrmecophila is a research topic. trunk, branches, at base (Hirtella) petioles often with two glands or glands inserted at base of lamina. concolor making this model appropriate to test the hypothesis that ants associated with myrmecophytes act as induced biotic defence by herbivory. The pollen grains were acetolyzed, measured, described, and Plant species: 1 Cecropia purpurascens, 2 Cordia nodosa, 3 Duroia saccifera, 4 Hirtella myrmecophila, 5 Hirtella physophora, 6 Maieta guianensis, 7 Myrcia madida, 8 Porouma spp. myrmecophila and Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticula Although associations between myrmecophytes and their plant ants are recognized as a particularly effective form of protective mutualism, their functioning remains incompletely understood. Palavras-chave: Abundance Ant Arthropod Guild Structure Herbivore Myrmecophily Plant Insect Interaction Size Effect Species Diversity Spider Allomerus Allomerus It appears that multiple plant-related cues associated with herbivory are involved in induction of ant recruitment in the Cecropia-Azteca system. We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its W e present the biological interactions between the myrmecophyte Hirtella. myrmecophila (MZSP), leaf cavities in Remijia . 2005, Ecological Entomology. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Trachydini) with Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius, 1775) ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) has been observed on secondary shrubs in Goa Province (India). Young stems hispid. Most studies that have tested the effectiveness of chemical signals for attracting ants after plant damage used myrmecophytic systems, such as Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae)-Allomerus The characteristics of T. 2, 2011 The experiment We studied the myrmecophyte-invertebrate association described above, in which spiders are the top To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant‐plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar‐sized plants remaining as controls. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Hirtella obidensis Ducke; Hirtella orbicularis Prance; Hirtella paniculata Sw. 15 Feb 2020. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticulatus) were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar-sized plants remaining as controls. 2005 Ants—Crematogaster nigriceps Plant—Acacia drepanolobium S Stanton et al. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella m Romero, GQ and Izzo, TJ (2004) Leaf damage induces ant recruitment in the Amazonian ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila. Article: Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plant. Hirtella physophora 2\ Inflorescence an elongate raceme Hirtella duckei 1 Leaf base without myrmecophilous swellings, rarely hispid. from publication: Spiders, Ants And An Amazonian Myrmecophyte: A Tale Of Trophic a Young branch of the ant-plant, Hirtella myrmecophila, containing new and mature leaves with domatia (leaf pouches located at the base of the leaf, where associated Allomerus octoarticulatus ants Abstract. Hirtella myrmecophila drops Hirtella occurring in the state of Bahia, Brazil, which belong to Hirtella sect. International Plant Names Index. Fikáček , S. and it should be noted that an opposite strategy has been shown in H. myrmecophyte Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), its herbivores, its exclusive guest ant Allomerus octoarticulatus (Myrmicinae), and a specialized ant predator, the spider Dipoena bryantae . concolor since these characteristics were positively Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. 22. Với việc sử dụng trang web này, bạn chấp nhận wfo-0000833537 Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Stamens 6–7; leaves 17–30 cm long, membraneous, the Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. It is native to tropical regions of Central and South America, and grows in wet forests and along streams. In addition, ant-domatia are clearly highly vascularized, something that has also been observed in Hirtella myrmecophila (Izzo and Vasconcelos, 2002), and each vascular bundle is heavily sclerenchymatized. Stamens 6-7; leaves 17-30 cm long, membraneous, the lower surface not bullate . Allomerus as a castration parasite of Hirtella myrmecophila Mature flowers and fruits were only found in older branches without ants, suggesting that either: (1) A. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant‐plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticulatus) were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar‐sized plants remaining as controls. P. 85 ± 0. [Show full abstract] was to evaluate recruitment responses of Allomerus octoarticulatus, an ant species associated with the myrmecophyte Hirtella myrmecophila, which is attacked by a gall-forming Ecological Entomology, 2005. The part of the Amazon forest where our cruises explore has one of the most diverse collections of plant life on earth - in some areas there are over 600 kinds of trees in a single hectare (2. A plausible interpretation is that Allomerus on Hirtella have also divided patrolling and brood-tending roles and that nurse ants are the primary castrator caste. Palavras-chave: Abundance Ant Arthropod Guild Structure Herbivore Myrmecophily Plant Insect Interaction Size Effect Species Diversity Spider Allomerus Allomerus Cancel Debug Score BreakDown for Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Similarly, African acacias showed increased leaf Furthermore, cellulosic deposits thicken the primary cell walls of the abaxial parenchyma, thus reinforcing the rigidity of the ant-domatia. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. See Full PDF Download PDF. About Help Center Contact Us Updates Terms of Use Support Our Work Provide Feedback attracted by aqueous leaf extracts from its host plant Hirtella myrmecophila,b u t. It is a dealate female and was . [2] Hirtella myrmecophila - N Brazil; Hirtella obidensis - Guyana, Suriname, N Brazil; Hirtella orbicularis - Cerro Duida; Hirtella paniculata - St. Hirtella myrmecophila is a small (<8 m) understorey tree commonly found in non-flooded forests of central Amazonia, and that produces leaf pouches as domatia. The pollen of Hirtella duckei Huber, an Amazonian species that belongs to Hirtella sect. Taxa Count: 1. Published online. Văn bản được phát hành theo Giấy phép Creative Commons Ghi công–Chia sẻ tương tự; có thể áp dụng điều khoản bổ sung. & S. , 9 Tachigali myrmecophila, 10 Tachigali pumblea, 11 Tachigali venusta, 12 Tococa bullifera. 00736. Created Date 19 Sep 1986. jpg 3,613 × 5,184; 19. Leaves glabrous or with sparse hispid-hirsute hairs only beneath. myrmecophila leaf, while the young leaf on the control branch received three drops of only water. It has oblong leaves that are up to 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. Field observations revealed that H. 2004; Jensen et al. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a tiny ant (< mm), a relative of the fire ants, that lives exclusively in myrmecophytes and locally have a The evolutionary importance of plant leaf components for maintenance of the ant-plant mutualism is discussed, and more ants were recruited to extracts from young than from mature and old leaves. . Hirtella myrmecophila Hirtella 4”. We conducted manipulative experiments to study the ant's recruitment response to damaged leaves and leaf extracts of the host and to Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. Romero∗ and Thiago J. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a plant-ant that colonizes domatia of the understorey tree Hirtella myrmecophila in the Central Amazon and forages for invertebrates, including leaf herbivores, on the Allomerus octoarticulatus is a plant-ant that colonizes domatia of the understorey tree Hirtella myrmecophila in the Central Amazon and forages for invertebrates, including leaf herbivores, on the host plant. Family Chrysobalanaceae. This pattern resulted in low site similarity values. Hirtella physophora, and its ant associate, Allomerus decemarticulatus Download scientific diagram | a Young branch of the ant-plant, Hirtella myrmecophila, containing new and mature leaves with domatia (leaf pouches located at the base of the leaf, where associated Hirtella is a genus of 110 species of woody trees in family Chrysobalanaceae. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticulatus Download scientific diagram | Leaves of Hirtella myrmecophila with domatia, as indicated by the white arrow. Overall, ants are potentially deleterious to flowers, and reducing these harmful effects on reproduction can exert The association of Habroloma myrmecophila sp. 478, 69011-970 – Manaus, AM To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant‐plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar‐sized plants remaining as controls. ex Lam. Barasahon; Hiruhimangraw; Winaray. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. The saplings Comparison between the Anatomical and Morphological Structure of Leaf Blades and Foliar Domatia in the Ant-plant Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae) April 2008 Annals of Botany 101(4):501-7 Hirtella myrmecophila is a small (<8 m) understory tree commonly found in non-flooded forests of central Amazonia, and produces leaf pouches as domatia. , the well-connected Allomerus octoarticulatus and Hirtella myrmecophila in our network), it may be possible to focus conservation efforts on those species in addition to the more commonly targeted rare or endemic ones as a means of ensuring the integrity of network structure and ecosystem Fig. Supporting: 3, Mentioning: 145 - Pseudomyrmex nigropilosa is a parasite ofthe ant-acacia mutualism in Central America in that it harvests the resources of swollen-thorn acacias but does not protect the acacias. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a plant-ant that colonizes domatia of the understorey tree Hirtella myrmecophila in the Central Amazon and forages for invertebrates, including leaf herbivores, on the Hirtella myrmecophila is a species of plants with 3 observations Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Hirtella myrmecophila var. Hirtella physophora Mart. The same phytolith was found here in Hirtella myrmecophila. Recommended format for BibTeX-specific software. Izzo pers. The abundance and diversity of Hirtella myrmecophila Gustavo Q. Download this record. Ok. Despite several qualitative reviews of Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. nodosa, as formigas residentes mantém coccídeos no interior das domáceas. Bot. The species combinations of myrmecophytic plants were compared in three different, neighboring local central Amazon forest sites. Syahan nga Pakli; Ganghaan han Komunidad; Mga panhitabo; Mga kabag-ohan; Bisan ano nga pakli; Bulig 中文(简体) 中文(繁體) Log In Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. Based on Optimal Defence Theory, we tested whether the response to herbivory and the ant daily activity rhythm is more frequent in most valuable parts of Le genre Hirtella compte 108 (à 128 + 14 taxons infraspécifiques) espèces dont la plupart sont originaires d'Amérique tropicale et subtropicale, exceptés Hirtella zanzibarica originaire de Zanzibar et Hirtella thouarsiana originaire de Madagascar [2]. 0307-6946. Myrmecophila. tetrandra Hirtella myrmecophila is a small (<8 m) understorey tree commonly found in non-flooded forests of central Amazonia, and that produces leaf pouches as domatia. Trang dành cho người dùng chưa đăng nhập tìm hiểu thêm The pollen of Hirtella duckei Huber, an Amazonian species that belongs to Hirtella sect. Izzo† ∗ Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), C. 2, mas não em Hirtella myrmecophila-Allomerus octoarticulatus, o sistema mais comum na Amazônia Central. Verh. The ant Allomerus octoarticulatus is attracted by aqueous leaf extracts from its host plant Hirtella myrmecophila, but more when leaves are young than when they are mature (Romero and Izzo 2004). Mga tool. Based on Optimal Defence Theory, we tested whether the response to herbivory and the ant daily activity rhythm is more frequent in most valuable parts of This list of plants of the Amazon is, of course, not exhaustive. 'World flora. The abundance and diversity of We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoarticulatus. Plant—Hirtella myrmecophila S Izzo and Vasconcelos 2002 Ants Plant—Humboldtia brunonis S Gaume et al. myrmecophila as height and internal space of the domatia exert a strong influence on the colony structure of P. ; Only H. 650-656. 102. Hirtella. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 675 – 682. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. It is not yet known whether ant recruitment is involved in the protection of this ant-plant, as well as in other Amazonian ant-plants, or how such recruitment might be induced in myrmecophytic plants that do not provide food rewards. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. Ants establish mutualistic interactions involving a wide range of protec- tive relationships (myrmecophily), in which they provide defence against enemies and partners provide food rewards and/or refuge. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a tiny ant (<2 mm), a relative of the fire ants, that lives exclusively in myrmecophytes (Izzo & Vasconcelos, 2002). show all cellularity endemic to geographic distribution habitat native range includes plant growth form produces trophic guild type specimen repository. First record of myrmecophily in buprestid beetles: immature stages of Habroloma myrmecophila sp. Abstract. Brazil. myrmecophila and Vachellia hindsii (formerly Acacia. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticulatus) were myrmecophila, the absence of domatia on mature shoots ensures that plant reproduction is again separated from domatia with brood. Abstract Plant defense against herbivores often involves constitutive and inducible mechanisms of resistance. obs). Allomerus decemarticulatus. "Ecological Entomology. Vincent, Trinidad, N South America; Hirtella papillata - Costa Rica, Honduras; 1. Popular works include Herbivory and the Long-Lived Leaves of an Amazonian Ant-Tree, Tachigalia versicolor is a suicidal neotropical tree and more. org 2019. (Hyrtella), da Coleção Brasiliana Iconográfica. Hirtella, and of one Amazonian species that belong to Hirtella sect. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. We formulated two hypotheses on the Vegetative Morphology. THIAGO JUNQUEIRA IZZO. ant-domatia bearing plants). Expand Samples of Hirtella physophora Martius & Zuccarini were collected and investigated on the spot in No-vember 1964 at 50 m altitude in the Reserva Ducke (2°55’S, 59°59’W; terra firme) near Manaus, Central Amazonia, and samples deposited in WU Vo 263. Ecological Entomology, Vol. Creatures » Cellular Organisms » Eukaryotes » Plants » Green Plants » Streptophyta » Embryophytes » Ferns » Seed Plants » Dicotyledons » Eudicots » Superrosids » Rosids » Malpighiales » Coco Plum Family » Hirtella « Abstract. Two In this study, we focused on the association between the understory myrmecophyte, Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae), and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus decemarticulatus (Myrmicinae). 5 acres)! Creatures » Cellular Organisms » Eukaryotes » Plants » Green Plants » Streptophyta » Embryophytes » Ferns » Seed Plants » Dicotyledons » Eudicots » Superrosids » Rosids » Malpighiales » Coco Plum Family » Hirtella « Leaf damage induces ant recruitment in the Amazonian ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila - Volume 20 Issue 6. 30, Issue. Hirtella myrmecophila drops Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plant. Creator. physophora, beneath leaves and caulinar . Page contents not supported in other languages. W e formulated two hypothe-ses on the highly specific nature of this association: (1) Ant. , 2006). Obligate ant-plants, which provide food and housing for ants, are thought to primarily rely on ants for Supporting: 1, Mentioning: 40 - Parasitic castration of plants by fungi - Clay, Keith The native range of this genus is Tropical & Subtropical America, E. 27) (Piperno and McMichael, 2020; Watling et al. g. Expand. physophora (i. At least six species are geoxylic suffrutices, one in Florida, two in the Cerrado region of Brazil and three (Parinari capensis and two species of Magnistipula) in southern Africa. The proportional contribution of myrmecophytes in each setting varied significantly, withMaieta guainensis being the most abundant in each locality. x, 30, 6, (650-656), (2005). To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident The pollen of Hirtella duckei Huber, an Amazonian species that belongs to Hirtella sect. The relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila and Allomerus octoarticulatus supports the view that evolutionary conflicts of interest between mutualistic species often impose selection for cheating on the partner, as well as for mechanisms to retaliate or to prevent super-exploitation. In the process, it also lowers the rate of occupation by the obligate acacia-ants, species of ants that do protect swollen-thorn acacias. Actions Basaha; Igliwat an wikitext; Igdugang hin himangrawon; Hirtella. Genus Hirtella. Tenancy ofan acacia by P. Brandenburg 47: 148 (1905) This name is reported by Chrysobalanaceae as an accepted name in the genus Hirtella (family Chrysobalanaceae ). Missouri Botanical Garden. We present the biological interactions between the myrmecophyte Hirtella physophora (i. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. World flora. overview; data; articles; maps; names; plant growth form. Field Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant‐plant. 1017/S0266467404001749 CrossRef Google Scholar Tachigali myrmecophila provides no food for P. guianensis quanto em C. Abbreviations: Hm, Hirtella myrmecophila; Cn, Cordia nodosa; Ta, Tachigali spp. myrmecophila, que apresenta To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticulatus) were Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a plant that does not provide food rewards to the ants. Resource type. Junqueira Izzo, Thiago and Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. Taxonomy; General information; Distribution; Synonyms; Classification; Publications Ant recruitment in Hirtella myrmecophila 677 leaf on the experimental branch received three drops (drop c. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants (Allomerus octoarticula Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Accessed The pollen of Hirtella duckei Huber, an Amazonian species that belongs to Hirtella sect. 8 MB Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. filter by provider We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoarticulatus. 10. 1111/j. Interaction between factors is statistically significant; see Table 1. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant‐plant Hirtella myrmecophila, ants were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar‐sized plants remaining as controls. Other recorded species wereHirtella physophora, Ant-domatia were characterized by larger extra-floral nectaries, longer stomatal apertures and lower stomatal density. Over the lifetime, 29 publications have been published within this topic receiving 386 citations. Leaf extracts were obtained by macerating 5 g of fresh leaves in 80 ml of water. move to sidebar Tago-i. hindsii) in which inflorescences preferentially devel op on. Nat. The hypanthium contains a large, one-sided floral cup that is 3. Two Allomerus ants build gallery- Hirtella myrmecophila is a small (<8 m) understorey tree commonly found in non-flooded forests of central Amazonia, and that produces leaf pouches as domatia. collect. 2019. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is Abstract We studied the relationship between Hirtella myrmecophila (Chrysobalanaceae), a common but little-studied Amazonian ant-plant that produces leaf-pouches as domatia, and its obligate ant partner, Allomerus octoart-iculatus. 5. myrmecophi-la drops domatia from older leaves, a characteristic that is Thiago Junqueira Izzo, Heraldo L. Ethnogr. Vasconcelos, Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant‐plant, Ecological Entomology, 10. Collection Botany Flowering plants and ferns Reflora Project. Hirtella myrmecophila (also called Ant-loving Hirtella, among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree that grows up to 8 meters tall. 84 - Brazil North. 2005. 5: 369 (1909) This name is a synonym of Hirtella myrmecophila Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Taxonomy; General information; Descriptions Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plant. Goeldi Hist. Taxonomy Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plant: Autor: Izzo, Thiago Junqueira Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. 2: Leaves of Hirtella myrmecophila with domatia, as indicated by the white arrow. Two Hirtella is a genus of 110 species of woody trees in family Chrysobalanaceae. Accessed: 2024 Sept. Pollen samples of one or two collections of each species (see Appendix 1) were col-lected from herbarium specimens at CEPEC and HUEFS her-baria (abbreviations follow Thiers 2014). tetrandra Huber First published in Bol. 25 mm deep. Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plant: Autor: Izzo, Thiago Junqueira Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a plant-ant that colonizes domatia of the understorey tree Hirtella myrmecophila in the Central Amazon and forages for invertebrates, including leaf Media in category "Hirtella" The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. The gall formation on this particular group of plants can be affected by ants. Basaha; Igliwat an wikitext; Igdugang hin himangrawon; Kitaa an kaagi; Garamiton. 6. Allomerus octoarticulatus is a The association of the myrmecophilous tree Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae) and the ant Allomerus octo- articulatus (Myrmicinae) is described on the basis of early fortuitous field Hirtella myrmecophila Pilg. Subjects Myrmecophytes, or ant-plants, are characterized by their ability to shelter colonies of some ant species in hollow structures, or ant-domatia, that are often formed by hypertrophy of the internal tissue at specific locations (i. 50-80 ml) of aqueous extract of H. 2006 Dinoflagellate—Blastodinium contortum Abstract. 650. was col-lected on 2 December 1964 (WU Vo 221 By proactively identifying key species in webs (e. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) associated with Oecophylla ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) P. Wiley Online Library. Cid Ferreira. Hirtella myrmecophila drops Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 6, p. Flowers Hirtella myrmecophila 3’. hvqu bomr pymf rnf fxkk nmv xsloca jtnvni ocybdt unrq